We need volunteers

A festival on the scale of Norsk Countrytreff is a big boost, and we depend on many volunteers to be able to carry out a flawless event.

As a thank you for your efforts, you will receive free day tickets for the entire weekend at the main arena. From Thursday to Sunday you can take part in all concerts at Hesjestauren and in Kolbein's Saloon. Concerts outside the main arena are not included in the tickets. If you come from outside the area and plan to spend the night at the festival camp, you can upgrade your free ticket to a festival pass for the arena and camping for a small fee.

Teams, groups and organisations

Are you part of a team, group or organization that needs money for an investment or for operations? Then you can volunteer during the festival and earn money for the team.

Contact us at frivillig@norskcountrytreff.no for more information.