Bluegrass concert

The Bluegrass concert in Frislidlada at Nordfjord Folkemuseum (Sandane) is the last concert we organize during Norsk Countrytreff.

This is a very intimate concert, where you get close to the artists. In the fantastic premises of Nordfjord Folkemuseum you get a unique setting around the music and the musicians, and during the break you can meet them outside, have a chat and buy records and other things directly from the bands.

The concert starts at 19:00, and there will be a break in the program where the audience can mingle with the artists, as well as get simple refreshments in the premises of Nordfjord Folkemuseum.

Join us and end a fantastic country weekend in an intimate and beautiful venue in Sandane!

Artists in 2024 will be The Kody Norris Show from the USA and our very own Hayde Bluegrass Orchestra!