Where is breim?

You can find Breim in Gloppen municipality, in Nordfjord.

The village is located in the middle of Sogn og Fjordane, about 1 hour by car from Førde, Stryn, Florø and Nordfjordeid. From Oslo it takes about 6 and a half hours, from Bergen 4 hours, and from Ålesund 3 and a half hours. The nearest airport is Sandane Airport (SDN), only 20 minutes away.

There are good bus connections to Breim from Trondheim, Bergen and Oslo.

Reed Center
6827 Breim

GPD coordinates:
WGS 84:N 61° 43.977′, E 6° 25.859′
WGS 84 – decimal:61.73295, 6.43098
EUREF89:6847112, 364290