Children's Country meeting

The children's country meeting

On 7 July 2023, Norsk Countrytreff invites you to Barnas Countrytreff in Breim barnehage!

Due to a change in the holiday schedule in Gloppen municipality, Norsk Countrytreff has moved Barnas Countrytreff to July 7th at 11:00.

This year's artist will be Misery & Company from Nordfjordeid, who will entertain and engage kindergarten and primary school children!

In addition, there will be activities such as horse riding, drawing and lots of other fun.

The kindergartens have received their own invitation and a bus will be set up for them.

The event is FREE and open to ALL in the age group, so just show up at Breim kindergarten 7/7 at 11.00!


Church concert 2024


Experience world-class bluegrass!